Wednesday, November 21, 2012



The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reports that changes that take place during pregnancy can continue for four to six weeks following birth, which means that it's important to resume exercise gradually. In general, most women can safely perform a low-impact activity (such as walking) one to two weeks after a vaginal birth or three to four weeks after a cesarean birth. You should wait at least six weeks after birth before taking part in any high-impact activities

                                                                Nutrition after pregnancy
Eat a healthy diet. Whether or not you're breastfeeding, a healthy diet including the right amounts of carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals can give you the strength necessary to care for your baby and get back into shape. Make sure you eat a variety of foods from all the food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid. It's important to limit fatty foods which provide little nutrition. You might want to try to eat small meals frequently throughout the day to give yourself constant energy. Small,energy-boosting meals could include pieces of fruit topped with yogurt, salad,cracker bread with cheese etc


Exercise program
Despite the fact that you may be overwhelmed by your new responsibilities as your baby's caregiver, it's wise to return to an exercise regimen as soon as safely possible after pregnancy. Physician-approved exercises will help you lose your pregnancy weight, return to your prepregnancy shape faster, and increase your energy levels  

Increase fluids
 Hydration is very important during your return to exercise following the delivery of a baby. Drink water before, during, and after exercise. Water keeps your body's blood volume up, so ample amounts of the nutrients and oxygen needed for energy get sent to your cells. Drink when you're thirsty or your urine is concentrated, as individual fluid needs vary. Remember that breast milk is 87 percent water and that not drinking enough fluids may affect breast-milk production. If you're breastfeeding, you may find yourself very thirsty while feeding your baby

Find ways to exercise with your baby
Simply walking while pushing your baby in the stroller is great exercise. You may also want to see if your area offers postpartum exercise classes that let you exercise while enjoying one on one time with your little one. and other exercise classes you can share with your baby.You can lose your pregnancy weight through cardiovascular, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Stretching will help keep your body limber and help blood circulate through your body.Start with 25 push ups and sit ups.
Bike riding is another good exercise to help you shed that baby weight.
Swimming and Yoga is a good exercise to lose weight

Treat your self& get plenty of rest
Just 30 minutes. If you can give that to yourself everyday, that would be ideal.
Allow yourself the luxury of a manicure, pedicure, massage, new hair style, meet with other moms etc
Sleep when your baby sleeps. This sounds basic, but there's a lot of truth in it. Caring for a baby's every need can be exhausting for anyone. So try to take advantage of any nap times you can get throughout the day it will help make up for your loss of sleep at night


1- Write down what you eat. Doing so holds you accountable and you tend to eat less that way.2- Drink lots and lots and lots of water.3- Don't weigh yourself every's too depressing. Do it weekly.
4- Give yourself time. Your body isn't going to look just like it did before you got pregnant right away.
5- Watch your eating.
6- Take advantage of business trips. As a working mom, get up 1/2 earlier and use the hotel gym for uninterrupted work outs!
Dear moms& moms to be I hope that these tips helped you get a grasp on losing weight after giving birth. I think that the most important thing you have to do is choose a program and stick with it. The above are only few tips to get you started. Please feel free to share your tips and experiences with us.Good day

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